Evelyn Roper and Opal Moon at Harmels on the Taylor

May 19, 2023

Evelyn Roper Music and Opal Moon are playing at Harmels on the Taylor this summer in the on-site bar and restaurant, Bites & Brews on the Taylor. Join us in welcoming them for their free concerts with nights of good music, food, and booze!


June 16: Evelyn Roper | Solo – 6-8PM

June 24: Opal Moon | 6-8PM

July 7: Evelyn Roper | Cowboy Poetry – 6-8PM

July 28: Opal Moon | 6-8PM

August 11: Evelyn Roper | Solo – 6-8PM

August 26: Opal Moon | 6-8PM

You can find more of Evelyn and Opal Moon’s performances on Facebook.

Evelyn Roper
Opal Moon
Book Now